Four Unique Ways To Distribute Business Cards

Your business cards offer a way to market your business to new potential clients, but they are only useful if you can get them in the right hands. There are lots of opportunities you can take advantage of every day that can get your business cards out to more people. Use these ideas to help spread the word about your company.

Create A Referral Network

Networking events are great places to make new contacts and grab new clients, but they can also help you to build a referral network. Talk to people who have businesses that don't compete with yours and do a business card swap. Offer a stack of your cards in exchange for the other person's, and encourage your new contact to refer business to your company. Have a special set of cards set aside for this purpose, and have them printed on the back with a referral discount code. Every client referred to you by your new contact can enjoy a discount on your services, and the new contact can expect you to refer similar business his or her way.

Include Cards With Your Bills

Whether you are paying your company's electric bill or the rent for your office, don't send a check in the mail without including your business card. You may be surprised to learn that some of the companies you purchase goods and services from might want to work with you as well. You can also do this for your personal bills. Include the cards with daycare tuition, payments to your dog walker or payments to your landscaping company to network with potential new clients.

Order Cards For Your Employees

While you may already have business cards for your management or sales staff, consider having business cards printed for everyone who works in your office. The cards help to make people feel valued in your business, and they offer a great way for people to feel pride in the company they work for. Your staff may be excited to pass the cards out to friends and family, which can possibly help you to land a new client or business contact.

Partner With Your Chamber Of Commerce

If you aren't already a member of your local chamber of commerce, consider joining. You'll get to meet other business owners in your area, which can help you to make new contacts. Some chambers of commerce have offices that are open to the public. They may allow you to leave a stack of business cards and brochures about your company at the reception desk or in the lobby, which can help to spread the word about your company to local residents and other business owners.

Always have several business cards in your purse or wallet so you are ready to hand them out to a new contact. You never know when you are going to meet someone who might want to work with you, and you don't want to miss out on a golden opportunity. You can print your business cards by consulting with companies like America North Printers.

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Unconventional Printing Services

There are many occasions for which you might need to find some printing services. It might be announcements for your little girl's birthday party, or it might be a stack of meeting agenda's for that work presentation that you were lucky enough to get assigned to. Either way, you want to make sure that your printed items are printed on time and that they look good. There are all kinds of options to consider, including paper weight, color, collating, and folding. This blog is about discovering what cool options you can employ when having your items printed for any occasion.